My name is Scott Leslie. I am a professional nature photographer and author. I've started this blog because I want to impart my knowledge and love of the natural world by teaching others how to experience it through the joy and art of nature photography. I'd like this site to be a place that anyone can visit to learn about all aspects of nature and bird photography.

Just a little bit about my background. Books that I've photographed and written include Wetland Birds of North America: A Guide to Observation, Understanding and Conservation, and three other books in the series- Woodland Birds of North America, Sea and Shorebirds of North America, and Grasslands and Desert Birds of North America. In addition, I also photographed and wrote Bay of Fundy: A Natural Portrait. All are available on Amazon.com. Additionally, my work has appeared in dozens of magazines around the world including National Wildlife, Smithsonian, Birder's World, Birdwatchers Digest, Photo Digest, Outdoor Photographer, Canadian Geographic, etc.

I'm very passionate about nature and the things I photograph. I care deeply about my subjects and believe that as photographers we can show everybody else just what is out there in the natural world and what we have to lose.
To this end, I am currently working on an eBook on digital bird and nature photography that anybody will be able to download free as a series of pdf files. Please stay tuned...
If you'd like to see some of my work online please go to www.scottleslie.com and scottleslie.zenfolio.com